
onsdag 16 oktober 2013

Fortsättning av The date

Description of the date.
Workbook page. 12.

Jessica was five minutes late to her date. Which meant that they could only talk for nearly twenty-five minutes. Mark thought that that’s just possitive because he was so neurvus. He did’nt know what to talk about when he meets her. He don’t know what she likes. he counted the seconds and then minutes. When Jessica arrived he had counted six minutes and fourteen secounds.
-Mark, hi!
-Hey Jessica!
-Sorry i’m late. The bus had to stop because a construction in the road.
-It’s okay, i was afraid i were late too. Can i buy you a drink?
-Yeah, please! i am so thirsty. Can i have a coke?
-Yeah sure, with pleasure.
-naw, you are so sweet!
Mark blushed. He came back after nearly five minutes with one vanilla heart and two cokes. The heart was for jessica. He thought that was a descret and kind of a cute way to tell her that he likes her.

After a while of conversation, Mark felt that it was quite alright to talk to jessica. They noticed that they had alot of things in common. They laughed together and had a fun time.
When Mark and jessica finaly felt confident with eachother Jessica had to leave to her dance practise. Mark suguessed that he could come with her to her practise.
-Yeah sure! that could be fun!
-Thanks! it would be fun to se what your passion is like!
-yeah, maybe you can dance a litle to, canu you?
-haha, no! i can’t dance! i have this infection in my left le...
-no, don’t be like that. Don’t be shy!
-Okay. Maybe i can try.

It was quite difficult to describe the feelings they had for eachother but they both were sure that they liked eachother. they sat right between eachother at the bus. Mark took his hand and came closer and closer to her. She did the same. Here ends the story of a happy couple.

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