Gift: Summary Week 5
200 words
The story is presented by a girl that lives in a country in Africa where she goes to scool in.
She is the only person in her school that is white-skinned because she moved there from England.
She is in love with this boy in her school that is a school champion sprinter, wich every girl her school is in love with. he is called Gudji-Gudji after a spider that is very fast.
Gudji-Gudji, even called Gift, met the girl from England on the way to the bus and chatted for a long time and Gift asked her out. Ofcourse she said yes before they split up and went on the bus. She is very excited about seeing such a popular guy that she really like.
Once on their date, Gift wants to show her his village where he was born and raised. They went there as they had a great time speaking and learning to know eachother on the way and once thay arived at Gift’s house, Gift introuduced his parents and siblings to her and had dinner in his house. She was to tired tot walk back to her own village that she slept over at Gift’s house that night. But they couldn’t get a single moment together alone.
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